Sunday, October 09, 2005

Noise Bibliography

I decided to start a noise bibliography. As I was adding links to the sidebar I realized that that could get pretty long. Rather than doing that, I'll be updating this list (which I will link to the side bar) instead. This list is by no means exhaustive, and many of the articles are academic.


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Blogger burlapwax said...

I remember reading the Aesthetics of Noise article by Sangild before and finding it really interesting, but of course not exhibiting a thorough understanding of the breadth of noise music in the post-1970s environment. The identification of only a single "noise" artist, Merzbow, shows the limitation of Sangild's perspective...but the Kristeva reference, on the development of appreciation for the abject, the largely unstructured, is good stuff. I'm thinking about writing a piece on the merger of folk musics and noise appreciation...the "abjection" concept fits into that. Anyway, thanks for the link collection, Jon; I'm going to read more later.

Ben Hockenberry
Locust Sympathizer

9:50 AM  
Blogger Jon Silpayamanant said...

I think there's a limitation on most of the academic articles' perspective in those regards--most all of them focus on the Japanese noise scene which is unfortunate considering the breadth and histories of, for example, the US and UK scenes.

Kristeva has always fascinated me while at the same time really jsut rubs me a little wrong. I'm not quite sure what it is, but I should probably reread the Sanhild piece and see if I feel any differently about her ideas in that context.

No problem about the links--I need to organize them as a proper bibliography when I get a chance. I'll be adding other references as I get them, and I'll probably annotate the list as well, so keep keep an eye on this URL.

10:26 AM  
Blogger burlapwax said...

Hey, I got your site on my RSS feed now, love this shite. Yeah, Kristeva has a strange element to her writing...she writes in the most extreme sort of academic jargon that acquires a fluid sense of poetry while remaining largely obscure. I'm annoyed by her deliberate lack of transparency, but her concepts are interesting.

As for the Japanese noise issue: I'm with you! Noise artists have been working all around the world (Thailand, anyone?) for just as long as the Japanese, but literature referring to "the harshest, most inhuman" noise always refers to the Japanese--specifically to Merzbow and Masonna. Popularity contest? The less dramatic or less perverse artists, who may have a far harsher sound, are passed over in deference to the big 2. If Incapacitants and MSBR could at least get a footnote I'd be a little any case. The Japanese scene definitely had a serious debt to the UK, at least. But noise is a worldly art.

I write too much.


8:22 PM  
Blogger Jon Silpayamanant said...

Hah! Yeah, I guess sometimes I feel that way about all academic writing. It can be so off-putting to people who just want a "down to earth" analysis/review/critique of whatever.

As for the Japanoise predomoinance in academic writing, well--I'm hoping to change some of that. I'm getting ready to co-author an ethnography which will primarily be based on North American noise artists, and I have other papers in the works.

I've not come across any Thai noise artists yet, but that's not from lack of looking, but you know that I will be the first to write about 'em if I ever come across any!

5:09 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Noise article by San gild before and finding it really interesting, but of course not Noise Survey exhibiting a thorough understanding of the breadth of noise music

10:05 PM  

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